Thursday, September 17, 2009

It has been a while....

Okay, so the last time I posted was in 2008, and 2009 is almost over. Can I even begin to put into words what has happened in my life since then? Well, I could, but I'm pretty sure nobody would want to read that. Besides, the people closest to me already know. I try to think about what my life was like in 2008, and how it is now. If someone had come to me and tried to tell me what was going to happen in my life over the next 9 months, I probably would've thought they were crazy. "Yeah, like that's gonna happen!" probably would've been my response. "Not a chance in hell." would've been a good one too. But here I am, shaking my head at the whole thing. Now here's a question, if I had a chance to go back and change it, would I? Nope. No way. I learned alot about myself, and some other people too. I've experienced terrible pain, but then again, I've also experienced incredibly joy and happiness. I've changed, I've grown, and I've learned. I've found out what true friendship is, and what it means to be a true friend. Wow, that's quite a bit in 9 months. At least I think so.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Just got finished doing a show. I had a great time and worked with many wonderfully amazingly talented people. I feel fortunate to share the same stage with them. Took some great photos on the last day and loved them so much I want to share them with everyone. Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Veronica's Room (Behind The Scenes)

This is a cool video my daughter made when we were doing a show together.

This is awesome!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update with me

It's been a little while since I posted, and since I can't really think of anything special I'd like to post, I thought I'd just give an update. My kids are back in school, which usually gives me alot of free time during the day to ponder things. When I'm not pondering I'm doing dishes, laundry, planning dinner, running errands, and various housekeeping duties. Sounds boring huh? I agree, but when I talk to friends of mine that are stuck in a job they hate, but stay there because they have bills to pay, it makes me grateful to be at home. I'm lucky I guess, because my husband provides us with enough income so I don't have to work. It does get lonely at times, but my kids usually provide me with enough excitement when they get home that I completely forget about it. And I have awesome friends who e-mail and call me to brighten my day. Given the current situation with the economy and the world in general, I am truly blessed. My life is far from perfect, and I know I'm not alone in that, but it's working for me right now.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Is this cool or what?

Deadliest Catch is one of my favorite TV shows. If you've never seen it, I strongly suggest you give it a try. Anyways, I heard that some of the crew of the Time Bandit was going to be at a boat show in Tampa. Well, I just flipped out! I begged my husband to take me, and he did. We stood on line for an hour, but it was well worth it. I met Capt. Johnathan and Capt. Andy, and crew member Russ. They were so down to earth, it was a totally awesome experience. After some chatting and a few autographs, they let me sneak around back and grab a photo. I was so thrilled, if you couldn't tell by the HUGE smile on my face. I'm looking forward to reading their book, and you might see me wearing my new shirt very soon. As the guys on the Time Bandit say "SHUT UP AND FISH!!!!!" :-)

Monday, July 21, 2008

And the winner is..........

Well, another Hami Awards night has come and gone. Some people left very happy, and some left very disappointed. And those not nominated just had a good time. I kind of prefer that better. When you're not nominated, there are no expectations and you can just have fun. I for one was a complete and total wreck having being nominated for two awards. As I sat there waiting for my categories to be announced, I got severe cotton mouth and my knees started to shake. That doesn't sound like fun to me. Then when I was fortunate enough to win my awards, I had a very difficult time trying to find the words to show my appreciation. After I sat back down I thought about all of the wonderful things I should've said and felt terrible for not saying them. On top of all of that, my daughter, my husband, and my mother all think that my daughter Jessica, who was nominated for the same award, got robbed and deserved to win. I was told that I won because I have alot of friends at the theater. So the point I'm trying to make is that even when you win, you lose too. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, although I have two nice trophies on a shelf gathering dust as I write this blog.